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Camping or Touring Ideas for Rainy Days and How to Stay Dry

Camping or Touring Ideas for Rainy Days and How to Stay Dry

Raindrops on motorhome window

From board games by lantern light to storytelling under the raindrops, every droplet brings a fresh adventure.


Couple of kids with wellies on and raincoats jumping a puddle.


You can certainly go out to play under the rain, but if you’re not a fan of getting wet (and possibly muddy) don’t worry, here are a few fun ideas of what to do inside your tent, caravan, or motorhome:

  • Board Games and Card Games: Bring along some board games or a deck of cards to play with your camping companions. It's a great way to pass the time indoors and enjoy some friendly competition.


Friends playing cards in a campervan.


  • Read a Book: Pack a book or two that you've been meaning to read and take advantage of the cozy atmosphere inside your tent or camper. Rainy days can be perfect for losing yourself in a good story.
  • Cook or Bake: Embrace the rain by preparing a delicious meal or snack. You can cook over a campfire if it's safe to do so or use a camping stove. Try making a hearty stew or baking some cookies to enjoy with your camping group.
  • Plan Future Adventures: Use the rainy day to plan and research future camping trips or outdoor activities. Look up new hiking trails, camping destinations, or attractions in the area. It can be a fun way to get inspired and make exciting plans.
  • Arts and Crafts: Bring along some art supplies or craft materials to unleash your creativity. Sketch the scenic views, paint a landscape, or make nature-inspired crafts using materials you find around the campsite.
  • Tell Stories: Gather around and share stories with your camping companions. Whether it's personal experiences, ghost stories, or tales passed down from generation to generation, storytelling can be a captivating way to spend a rainy day.
  • Watch Movies or Listen to Podcasts: If you have access to electricity or a portable power source, bring a laptop or portable DVD player to watch movies or stream your favorite shows. Alternatively, listen to podcasts or audiobooks to keep yourself entertained.


A family in a tent, watching a movie.


  • Journaling: Spend some time reflecting on your camping trip so far by journaling. Write about your experiences, observations, and thoughts. It can be a meaningful way to capture memories and relax during the rain.


Remember, it's important to ensure that your camping equipment is set up properly to keep you dry and safe during rainy weather.


Extra tarp on top of a tent to stay dry.


To keep dry during a camping or touring trip, you will need certain equipment to protect yourself and your belongings from rain and other sources of moisture. Here are some essential items:

  • Waterproof Tent (if camping): Choose a tent specifically designed for camping in wet conditions. Look for a tent with a waterproof rainfly and a bathtub-style floor that prevents water from seeping in.


Watching the rain from inside a tent.


  • Groundsheet/Tarp: Place a waterproof groundsheet or tarp underneath your tent to provide an additional layer of protection against ground moisture.
  • Waterproof Backpack or Dry Bag: Keep your personal belongings, such as clothing, electronics, and documents, in waterproof backpacks or dry bags. These are designed to keep your items dry even if they come into contact with water.
  • Rain Gear: Pack appropriate rain gear, including waterproof jackets, pants, and boots. Look for materials that are breathable to prevent sweating while providing protection from rain.
  • Waterproof Footwear: Invest in waterproof or water-resistant hiking boots or shoes to keep your feet dry while walking on wet trails or in rainy conditions.
  • Quick-Dry Clothing: Opt for clothing made from quick-drying materials, such as polyester or nylon, instead of cotton. Quick-dry clothing helps you stay comfortable and prevents moisture from lingering on your body.
  • Pack Covers: Use rain covers or waterproof liners for your backpacks to keep the contents dry during prolonged exposure to rain.
  • Camping Mat: Use a closed-cell foam camping mat or an inflatable sleeping pad to insulate yourself from the cold and damp ground.
  • Portable Awning or Canopy: If you're setting up a campsite for an extended period, consider bringing a portable awning or canopy to provide sheltered space outside your tent.
  • Waterproof Storage Containers: Store your food, cooking utensils, and other supplies in waterproof containers to keep them dry and protected.
  • Waterproof Matches or Lighter: Make sure you have a reliable source of fire-starting equipment, such as waterproof matches or a waterproof lighter, to help you start a fire even in wet conditions.
  • Microfiber Towels: Pack microfiber towels that are highly absorbent and quick-drying. They can be used for drying yourself, cleaning up spills, or wiping off rainwater from your equipment.


Watching the rain from a motorhome.


Remember to check the weather forecast before your trip but be prepared for unexpected changes in weather conditions. Properly maintaining and storing your equipment after use will also help prolong its lifespan and effectiveness.


Happy camping!


Next article 5 things you didn’t know about camping